Welcome to the website of CTTN, experts in the field of professional and industrial cleaning and maintenance.

Certifying training

The Center offers preparation for:

  • CAP Textile Care option Industrial laundry
    In 6 groupings of 4 days each

Development and maintenance of skills


  • Management : 8 modules of 2 to 5 days each
  • General training for laundry
  • Textiles and cleanbility
  • Washing processes
  • Laundry organizing - industrial process
  • Linen management
  • Quality in laundry: Quality Certification and RABC
  • Environment, regulatory compliance
  • … and many others

See our online catalog.

For any specific request, do not hesitate to contact us:
Tél : 04 78 33 08 61

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Training calendar

Dates Location Title of the training module
Nous consulter Nous consulter Organisation, préparation de concours
Nous consulter Nous consulter Positionnement préalable
Nous consulter INTRA SEULEMENT (Nous consulter) Mise en place du système RABC
En intra - nous consulter En intra - nous consulter Acteur PRAP IBC : Prévention des risques liés à l'activité physique
En intra seulement - nous consulter En intra seulement - nous consulter Propreté et hygiène des locaux en blanchisserie
En intra seulement - nous consulter En intra seulement - nous consulter le bionettoyage des postes de travail en blanchisserie
En intra seulement - nous consulter En intra seulement - nous consulter Manipulation du linge : prévention des risques infectieux
Intra seulement - nous consulter En intra seulement - nous consulter Gestion hôtelière du linge dans les services
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Publications & News

All publications, news, guides or practical sheets published by the CTTN

qui sommes-nous ?

CTTN is an independent and non-profit organization for research, expertise, training and advice. Its action extends to companies that carry out textile care and cleaning activities. It also targets household cleaning and cleaning of the housing of health sector as well as companies that design, produce, distribute or evaluate the materials, products and processes used in the context of professional, industrial and domestic textile care and cleaning. Thus, CTTN contributes to the upgrading of the skills of employees and business leaders, to the modernization of businesses, to the development and improvement of the efficiency and quality of the services they offer, of hygiene, products, materials and processes, to the information and satisfaction of users. It supports companies in the context of technological change, environmental preservation and development of the circular economy. In this regard, CTTN implements a collective actions program for the benefit of the professional and industrial textile care sector. These actions are financially supported by the ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.