Studies on the environment, aqueous discharges, and energy management
- Energy: survey of the laundry sector which resulted in the publication of a guide, “Energy in Laundry” (Ademe1 - CTTN).
- Implementation, in fifteen establishments which offered their participation, of Energy and Water Dashboards at company level. These management tools make it possible to monitor changes in consumption, related to the kilogram of linen treated, over the long term and to prevent, explain or mitigate any abnormal deviations (Ademe – CTTN).
- Energy: Survey of the sector of small laundry units and publication of a brochure entitled “Controlling energy in laundries processing less than 2 tons of laundry/day” (Ademe - CTTN).
- Installation, in 5 representative establishments, of steam flow meters in sufficient number to determine and observe, week after week, the energy consumption ratios at the level of the production sections (washing, drying, finishing, etc.) plus overall consumption. The duration of this action was 4 to 8 months per establishment and provided an excellent test bench for the various steam flow meter technologies available on the market (Ademe-CTTN study).
- Using the energy metering plans set up in the field, a full-scale study of the impact of organizational factors on the energy consumption of the production sections was carried out (Ademe-CTTN study).
- More than 60 energy pre-diagnostics in industrial laundry (health sector, private sector, linen rental): publication of a summary brochure (Action Ademe-CTTN).
- Ozone in industrial washing and energy consumption (Ademe-CTTN study)
- Decentralized energy and natural gas: application to industrial laundry. The CTTN, with the support of ADEME, took a close interest in this solution, through a field study. The results of the operation are available on an information brochure. Laundry discharges: study of inhibiting materials (Water Agencies – Rental sector-CTTN)
- More than 140 environmental diagnoses in dry cleaners: control and optimization of emissions, energy and water consumption, solvent consumption, implementation of dashboards (Ademe-CTTN). LCA of 11 professional cleaning technologies based on 7 impact criteria and 2 flow criteria (Ademe-CTTN study).
- Origin of priority substances in discharges from industrial laundry: impact of textiles (Water Agencies - Rental sector-CTTN)
- Origin of priority substances in discharges from industrial laundry: impact of detergents (Water Agencies - Hospital laundries -CTTN)
- Aqueous discharges from cleaning processes with water: characterization of discharges according to the cleaning products used (Water Agencies-CTTN).
1 Ademe : ecological transition agency
For further information on these actions, contact CTTN or consult its database: