Collective actions
A collective action program is offered every year to the professional textile care sector. Its goal is explore and deal with subjects and issues such as : Innovations, performance, quality, hygiene, safety, energy management, preservation of the environment, ... This is made through several aspects : research, technological and regulatory watch, standardization (ISO, CEN, NF), dissemination. This program is developed in conjunction with interested
professionals. It sticks closely to their needs and leads to the development of knowledge about the themes and subjects covered.
Standardization player
The CTTN is a valuable player in standardization at French (AFNOR), European (CEN) and international (ISO) level in connection with textile care. It constantly participates in the various committees, sub-committees and working groups concerned by CEN 248 or ISO TC 38, in inter-laboratories tests or pre-normative studies and in inter-laboratory tests in his area of expertise.
He also plays an important role in the technical committee of COFREET (French Committee for Textile Care Labeling - GINETEX).
Finally, it is the recognized partner of AFNOR for the awarding of the NF Mark - Dry cleaning machines in closed circuit.
To inform and disseminate
The dissemination of the results of collective actions, oriented towards textile care professionals, is ensured by the publication of a bimonthly newsletter, various guides, tables and specific booklets, and the organization of events, conferences or workshops. The knowledge and expertise resulting from collective actions also spread within interested sectors such as textiles and clothing, and also to various institutions : Ministry in charge of the environment,
water agencies, lneris, INRS, Carsat, ... and through professional training.